Business strategies, marketing, and writing services for business owners.

So you want to write a book, but every time you sit down you feel stuck?



    Do you feel like your ideas are great but you just don’t know where to begin?

    Do you lack focus and clarity and believe you don’t have the time?

    Are you scared about what other people are going to think or say once you write it?

    Even worse, that you’ll die with a story inside of you and no one will ever get to read it?

    Do you have painful parts to your story and unsure where to begin or when to end?

    Do you want to build a business around your book with speaking engagements and fire your 9 to 5?



    Do you know you have a message that you’re meant to share?

    I can understand because I’ve been there.

    I will never forget the moment when I decided to write my book.

    I was sitting at my desk at work and heard someone faintly yelling my name across the office, which was the norm. It was no surprise it was the manager calling me to come into her office. 

    Usually to prove her emails before she sends them out to the office. 

    This time it was different though I could tell by her tone of voice.  She asked me to come inside and shut the door behind me, which was odd.

    I was mortified. I had all kinds of thoughts running through my mind like am I getting fired, do I have to fire someone or something worse.

    To my surprise she wanted me to give her a personal financial plan on her finances, which had nothing to do with my job description as an Insurance Broker.

    This is precisely the moment that I knew I had to make a change and could no longer work a job that was not in full alignment with my purpose.

    Truthfully,   getting up every morning driving a whole hour in the car both ways while stuck in traffic just to get to an office to work a job really sucks. 

    Especially when I had coworkers and everyone coming to me asking me questions that do not pertain to my job description. 

    What’s worse was seeing my coworkers laid off year after year without a backup plan.

    I was frankly uneasy with knowing that I could be next on the chopping block. I never wanted that to be me.

    Sometimes you feel like a disposable number and not a human being with a family who relies on your salary.

    This is precisely how I felt for the last 15 years working as an insurance broker. 

    You see I knew that God was calling me to do more….

    To show up more powerfully for myself, but mostly to share my story and make a bigger impact. 

    Even though I was in management I was not making the impact on the right people.

    I wanted to stand in front of people and tell my story so that others would not make the same mistake, but instead, I would sit at my desk counting the minutes until the clock hit 4:30 pm to rush out the door. 

    Only to repeat over and over again as if I was in the movie groundhog day. 

    Deep down I knew that something had to change but I was scared. 

    I was scared of my story,  what people would think about me writing a book. 

    I was afraid that I was sharing too much information and just not trusting myself. 

    I knew that I had a story to tell, but I was still afraid to take the leap. 

    Besides, I had worked in corporate for many years and I knew that paycheck was coming every two weeks like clockwork, but what happens if we get bought out and I get laid off? 

    That was the burning question that raced in my mind every day while sitting in traffic.  

    But after that conversation with my boss, I knew I had to make a shift. 

    It wasn’t the fact that her salary was triple mine but that’s when I realized I was not doing what I truly love and not working in my true purpose.

    That’s the moment I got really deeply connected with myself and decided to show up in my true purpose.

    I wanted to share my story and make a bigger difference.

    I also wanted to create a new stream of income from a product that I created as a safety net so that I could sell over and over again. 

    So that is what I did,  I made a plan to write my book and build a business that would support that with speaking engagements, coaching, and book sales.

    • The first thing I did was to get unblocked so I would never be scared staring at a blank page again.

    • The next thing I did was get clear on my true message.

    • Then I set up a writing schedule so I could stay on track.

    I even made a strategy for completing my book. No more half-done pages of notes!

    Once I was done, I was so proud of my book.

    I was able to land speaking engagements, make bulk book sales, and impact people with my book.

    I also was able to leave my job with ease and excitement.

    Now I want to help you do the same with this

    FREE Write Your Book 5 Day Challenge Video Series on

    how to speak your purpose and write your book.

    Here’s what you will learn;

    • ➩➩➩Day 1 You will crush confusion and unravel the chaos that has been holding you back. (eliminate writer's block)

    • ➩➩➩Day 2 You will learn how to gain clarity on your story with writing with purpose. (structure your story properly)

    • ➩➩➩Day 3 You will develop a writing schedule & writing cycle. (time-management)

    • ➩➩➩Day 4 You will position your story for completion. (how to get your book done)

    • ➩➩➩Day 5 You will learn how to accelerate your story for success!

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      This is so good and really this is helpful on a lot of levels.
      Thank you so good!  Yes, I am working the workbook, I am gaining clarity, and thank you!
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      Very helpful Thank you!

      Watch the Free Challenge Right Now!