Humidity, Hair, and Heat
It's very hot and humid in New Jersey this week as in many other states as well. As you know, I am a natural sista which means frizz, shrinkage, and sweat..Of course there are many misconceptions about natural hair in the workplace. However, I am glad to say that ,I have found a few hairstyles for the workplace that are professional and work against the elements. So this week, I am working four french braids in a bun and a twist out bang. A few days this week I didn't even bother to take out the twist in my bangs, so I just pinned them to the side. This style has been keeping me cool and most importantly, its fast. All I have to do is get up in the mornings, spray my hair with some leave in conditioner, and I am out the door. This style is easy, cute, and most importantly, Professional...So my question of the day is....
How are you wearing your hair in the office to beat the heat?
How are you wearing your hair in the office to beat the heat?