What to wear on your next job Interview..

Well ideally you should research the job to see what the dress code is before going out and buying something inappropriate.  Once, you have googled the job and realized that the dress code is business attire, casual, etc. My next step would be to do the following;

  • Pull out that High Powered Suit.  What is a high powered suit? A suit that you would only wear for a job interview that probably isn't made out of polyester. This is essential for men because they don't have the option of wearing a skirt or dress.  So men you  may want to invest in a suit that is a little bit more in price in lieu of the every day suit. Most importantly, the color of the suit is key for men as well as the type of suit. So guys, you want a dark blue or black suit stay away from Linen or white on a job interview. If you are on a budget  get a well priced suit, and get it tailored at your local dry cleaners, which should be between $15- $80 dollars depending where you go.You can easily take your suit from the rack to custom, which  again gives you that polished look. (make sure you wear a tie and collard shirt)
  • Ladies- Ideally, on your first job interview ,if you want the corner office you have to play the game.  What game...the Corporate game, which means skip the pants suit and opt for either a skirt suit or dress.  Yes a dress.  The key to wearing a dress is to keep the colors neutral, black, brown, beige, and dark blue. Stay away from bright colors as well as paisley prints.  The other part to wearing a dress is to pair a jacket with the dress.  So you have two separates that look like they pair each other.
  • Groom, Groom, Groom...I am not talking about the guy you are marrying. I am talking about your hair, nails, shoes, and makeup.  Take the time and get a hair cut gentlemen also, cut those fingernails. Clip the eyebrows and make sure your facial hair is either shaved or groomed really well. I would research a few of the men in the company to see what the norm is in the company. Do do they have facial hair or do they take it off.? You should probably follow suit. Ladies, the same applies wax, pluck, or thread the chin, eyebrows, and  upper lip.  Get that Mani and Pedi ,which is relatively cheap, but if it's not in your budget, do it yourself.  Just make sure you don't go over board with bright colors on your fingers nails. Also, watch the length of your nails ladies,if your nails are more than three inches from your finger tip they are too long and you need to cut them,if you want that position.   The hair for women is very crucial. On a job interview I would not play around with a new look. Stick to what works for you, but make sure its polished. So if you are wearing a weave or natural make sure its neat and eloquent. It doesn't have to look like you came out the saloon, but it should look Professional. 
black man is suit
Look for interesting necklines.thinner
Choose shapely skirts.

I hope these tips help you on your job search of what to wear. Just keep in mind nothing is better than a great personality.  A smile, a firm hand shake, and confidence can go along way, so be yourself and good luck on your next interview.  Send me a picture of what you are wearing to your next interview? I would love to see..
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