All Earrings Are Not Created Equal....
I love to play around with earrings, but in the workplace that can be dangerous. The fliest earrings out now are the feather earrings. There are so many options out now, that a girl can even get custom earrings, for a reasonable price. Now that is something I may have to explore..I was never the girl to wear big, bold, ear rings, but recently I have been intrigued and might consider taking the plunge. Although, I am cautious about drawing too much attention to my ears. (I don't know why) I would say to stay bold on the weekend and casual during the work week. So Let's take a look at what I am talking about.
Feathers for the Weekend.

work play

What I like to call work & play earrings. Do you have any favorites, if so send me an email to share?
Feathers for the Weekend.