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What's on Sale This Week!
Red Power Suit - Great for day to evening. This shade of red is not my favorite so I would opt for a different color. The price is great for the quality. Reg. $280.00 Sale $167.99 You can never go wrong with a great pair of straight leg paints. It doesn't matter if you are a size 0 or 18 every girl should have a good quaility pant. You can pair this with a blouse or with a suit either way the price is great! $27.98 For some reason I love the color of this suit. I know its a Neutral but for the fall this could be paired with an orange scarf or a colorful shoe. That would really make this a statement piece. Reg. $240.00 Sale $155.99 This by far is my favorite look!! I love the way the belt is hitting her waste. Some dresses don't allow the belt to sit properly at the waste, but it seems like the belt is secure on this one. I love this look from head to toe. It's great for the office and if you are going out just change the shoe or add a cute colorful purse and your are ready for any event! Reg. $58.00 Sale $49.30