Do you Color at Work???
Yes, the question of the day is do you color at work? I am talking about hair color that is...I know I had you going their for a moment? Right???? Well over the summer, I colored my hair light brown, which was very similar to my skin tone. The color was not real bright, but more of a bronze color, which I loved and rocked for the whole summer gracefully....However, my aunt was not so in love with the color and she actually said to me, " I am not sure if I like the color because it blends into your skin tone." Really Auntie :) She thought I should either go darker or lighter in color, but I was fine with the color I had chosen..Her comment didn't offend me, I thought that it was actually quite comical...It was fine, it was her opinion, and I was in love with my summer color..So, I laughed it off because I thought it was actually funny. However, I noticed at work I was getting a lot of attention. Mostly good comments a few people thought I could actually go lighter as well. I thought about going lighter, but was afraid that the color might be too bright for the office...Not sure if I was ready to push that envelope just yet, being that I was one of the few minorities with natural hair in the office and a brighter color might just send me to the unemployment line (just kidding).. As mentioned I had no real complaints with the color anyways and only that I grew tired of the color once the summer was o.v.e.r...Needless to say, I recently dyed the light brown out to off black after I grew tired of the color. (I will post a picture once I find a cute one to tag) With the fall in motion, leaves are falling, trees are blowing, and change approaching..What are you doing with your hair for fall? Do you color at work and if so, are there any colors you believe are inappropriate for work? FYI, I love, love, these styles and colors and would rock all of these styles to work..What About YOU???

These picts. are property of essence. Just tagged for reference only.

These picts. are property of essence. Just tagged for reference only.