Vacation and My Orange Phase***

I tend to color coordinate my outfits subconsciously. The funny thing is I am not sure when I began this process, but it has become part of my regimen when traveling....How funny is that right?

In this photo I am getting ready for a day on the hot, hot, hot, hot, hot Las Vegas Strip.. The tempature was 105 and I was completely dehydrated, it seems that you can't drink enough water to quench your thirst when in Vegas. Also, I would definitely recommend a hat, which I did not bring one...Bad, bad, bad idea..

We stayed at MGM and this was on our way to breakfast, can you see the TV behind me, I thought that was really cool place to take a photo.

Just a random spot I believe this picture was out side of Caesars hotel on the strip. This is a one piece dress by Michael Kors. One of my favorite pieces that I keep revisiting...

This was at the pool and this bathing suit is twelve years old., ..Yup you heard me correctly, staple bathing suit...I have many but this is one of those pieces that I can't part ways with or find a color replacement..

 Recently, my husband and I went to viva Las Vegas to celebrate his birthday bash, and we had an amazing time!!! This was the first time we went to Vegas so I really didn't know what to expect (or pack), so like most women, I overpacked...However, I took a carry-on and one bag for shoes, not too shabby. Here is a sneak peak of my "Orange Life." By the way, Orange is not my favorite color just a phase I fell into over the summer. Enjoy! Do you fall into any color themes??